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Where to find us?

VALMONT provides comfort of use, safety and efficacy in highly technical anti-aging skincare that offer visible and lasting results.As safety is our main concern and part of the client’s consideration and satisfaction, we would like to ensure you that VALMONT products coming from its official online store –http://valmont.hzp2010.com/– and partners here below listed have been certified and trained on VALMONT products and method. Partners also respect VALMONT Terms and Conditions.



ALMONT护肤品畅销欧洲及东南亚国家,其骄人的护肤功效有目共睹,加上其专业、安全、舒适的产品,屡获好评,因此VALMONT成为众多名媛淑女的心水护肤推介。产品的安全性是我们最关注的首要项目,所以我们希望能够确保顾客所购买的VALMONT产品是购自官方专页 – http://valmont.hzp2010.com/ – 及市场上的特许经销商。  我们得知非官方的网上商店和零售商有售卖VALMONT的产品,我们不能保证产品是否来自合法途径,产地,成分,质量及安全性。VALMONT衷心感谢您的信任和理解。我们将高兴地在下列的专柜及THE SPA BY VALMONT为你出提供最适合您的产品。

As we have been informed of unofficial online stores and retailers, please be aware that we cannot guarantee products’ legality, origin, freshness, quality and safety while purchasing through other websites and/or other retailers.VALMONT would like to thank you for your trust and comprehension. Please be ensure that we will be pleased to deliver optimum products for your satisfaction and guarantee service here below listed.
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